
Expectant Prayers ®

Jennifer Jo Weiss

Blog posts June 2007


******UPDATE*****UPDATE******UPDATE*****UPDATE*****The local fireworks at Evangel Temple have been postponed due to the rain.  They will have the program tomorrow evening (Sunday, July 1st).  All the other details (hours, etc) remain the same.   Thanks!

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Happy July 4th Weekend!

It's hard to believe the 4th is near, but it is.  Many of us will be enjoying fireworks displays this weekend... that is if it isn't raining.  This morning I awoke to rain...and lots of it.  I'm not worried about the festivities, but I was concerned for my little 5 yr. old who…

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The Positives and the Negatives

As I awoke yesterday morning, I was dreaming about film negatives.  I don't know why... I just was.    My mind was going over our hall tree bench and all the family photo albums that I store inside the bench well as the BOXES of negatives I have saved over the years.  I am an avid photogra…

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Don't Miss the Fireworks this Weekend

If you live in the Kansas City area and would like to see an awesome fireworks show (Christian based), please check out the display going on at Evangel Temple THIS SATURDAY!!!  Our church is helping sponsor this event this year at ET.  Friend, Sheila, who attends there sent me a re…

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Roller Coaster of News

Fasten your seat belt ladies and gentlemen and get ready to ride my news roller coaster today.  I have a lot going through my head and I'm not quite sure how my entry will twist and turn....there's a story around every corner....

Ah, the moody days of pregnancy are upon me.  I don't know what it was…

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Get Serious!

When it comes to picking names for children, I take it very seriously.  If you have read my book, you would also remember that I have an entry included  that deals with looking into the meaning behind what we name our children.  This is no iron clad guarantee that they are going to live up to what w…

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Big Belly at 30 Weeks

My sister, Sharon, is dying to see some belly shots!  So, rather than post old pictures, I had Celeste take some shots this morning before we had to go run errands.  This is as live as you're gonna get.  I will post some more this week (that is if I can remember to have Celeste take some photos).   …

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What's Up, America???

Yesterday felt like the hottest day yet, as we welcomed the first day of summer!    Celeste and Grandma Weiss went searching for a formal for Celeste's Honor Star Crowning and the rest of us pretty much stayed inside until early evening.  In the meantime, I worked out on my gazelle and did some othe…

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Do You Have Trouble Saying "No"?

In my prayer time this morning, I really felt compelled to address this issue for someone out there.  If this isn't for you, chances are you know someone who it is for......Say it with me everyone..... "NO!"Are you the kind of person who has trouble telling others "no"?   I see the…

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Something Every Pregnant Woman Needs

This morning I was helping the little boys clean their room and it dawned on me that I should share a tip with my pregnant friends out there.    This is something every pregnant woman could benefit from- especially those moms who are constantly picking up after other children .  I've had it for bett…

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Old Fart Strikes Again!

I hope all the fathers out there had a wonder Father's Day!  We had a good one here...of course there are plenty of kids to give Daddy cards and love!   XXXOOO

We had lunch with my in-laws and I was relaying a story to my father-in-law which I thought would be fun to share with the rest of you.  H…

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Happy Father's Day

      Best wishes to all the fathers (or soon to be ones) out there!

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Nine Month Milestone & Our New Feathered Friends

9 Months and Counting!This week marks nine months of my book being on the market!  To me, that means that the very first users of the ENTIRE book (throughout their entire pregnancy) are just now having or getting ready to have their babies.  That's a milestone.    I …

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The Week in Review

OK- some of my family have been wondering why I haven't posted anything new this week.  The truth is I got on here twice this week and wrote some very good entries and just about the time I was done typing, somehow deleted them.  This happens to me now and again.  I'm not sure what I do to cause it …

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Camp Out and Other News

It's been pretty quiet around the house for the past couple of days as the older two boys have been on a camp out.  They left on Thursday and won't be home until some time on Sunday.  I was a little anxious when they left on Thursday because there were storms expected overnight and I didn't relish t…

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Back to the Woods with Friends

How often do you get a chance to get out of the house and spend some quality time with friends???  Around here, it's not very often, so I seem to cherish the times I actually do get to spend with friends- especially when those friends have kids, too.  Trying to coordinate everyone's schedules seems …

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First Flight of the Robins

Talk about being at the right place at the right time.  I witnessed something AMAZING yesterday.  After watering the gardens yesterday morning, I was drawn to the robin's nest located on our down spout off of the screened-in-porch.  I think what caught my attention was their heads sticking over the …

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Floating Around the Pool

After doing our Monday yard work today, I spent the remainder of the afternoon floating around in the pool with the kids.  I wasn't "floating around" due to my large belly... I actually got a floating lounge chair for my birthday!  If you're read past journal entries, you've probably seen Titus and …

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A Real Life Tom and Jerry Story

There is a cat that roams our neighborhood daily.  Personally, I don't like cats roaming around outside in the city, especially when there are leash laws in KC for dogs.  It doesn't seem right.  I frequently find cat poo in my flower beds and yard, especially around the little purple plum tree we p…

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Fantastic Friday...for now...

I've been busy all morning...or so it seems... with my doctor appointment.  I had to have the glucose screen today, which meant I had to drink the lovely (but not so delicious) orange glucose drink.  The nurse forgot to give it to me during my last visit, so I went an hour early to pick it up and dr…

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20 blog posts