
Expectant Prayers ®

Jennifer Jo Weiss

Strange Second Day of February

Of course, many of us know that today is considered to be "Groundhog Day" where the prediction of the arrival of spring is made based on whether or not Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow.

Phil's official forecast as read 2/2/07 at 7:28 a.m. at Gobbler's Knob:

El Nino has caused high winds, heavy snow, ice and freezing temperatures in the west.
Here in the East with much mild winter weather we have been blessed.

Global warming has caused a great debate.
This mild winter makes it seem just great.

On this Groundhog Day we think of one thing.
Will we have winter or will we have spring?

On Gobbler's Knob I see no shadow today.
I predict that early spring is on the way.

If you're a teacher like me, we like to understand some of the history behind this fascination to share with our students.  After a quick review, here's what I understand about the earliest explanations of Groundhog Day:

When German settlers arrived in the 1700's, they had a tradition called "Candlemas Day".  This was a day for Christians in Europe where clergy would bless candles and distribute them to people (an especially thoughtful gift in the darkness that winter brings).  This day came at the midpoint between the winter solstice and the spring equinox.  Superstition said that if the weather was fair, the second half of winter would be harsh.  In Germany, they would watch the badger to see if he saw his shadow.  When the tradition continued into settlements of Pennsylvania, the groundhog was chosen to observe.  The first official celebration was on Feb. 2nd, 1886 at Gobbler's Knob, where the tradition has continued.    Even with all the fanfare, it is reported that Phil is only accurate about 39% of the time!

What strange things we do!!!   I am not a superstitious person, nor do I advocate the use of seers (even if they are furry, hibernating mammals), but I do get a kick out of the spectacle of it all.  The men in their top hats, pulling the sleeping beast from it's burrow...the fanfare, the prediction poem... it all brings a chuckle to my day.  HAPPY GROUNDHOG  DAY!

Our thoughts and prayers also go out to the people of central Florida today as tornadoes ripped a path of destruction through countless communities during the wee hours of the night.  The destruction there is widespread and many are without power...many have lost all they own.  Just think of all of the retirees that live in those communities.  We need to pray for them today. 

Let's remember to also pray for our nation today as there have been numerous natural disasters affecting widespread areas.  Call it El Nino or whatever, we need to be in prayer.  Many of these disasters come upon us when we are unaware.  We need the intervention of God and His provision of safety.  Our trust needs to be in God.   In times of disaster, our hope is NOT in man, weather radar equipment, or emergency management services (though these things are important in their own respect).  When so many are in the same boat during a disaster, you feel like you are on your OWN and isolated to your neighborhood. 

So let's pray that grace, love, comfort, peace, wisdom, and strength will envelop our southern families today!

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