
Expectant Prayers ®

Jennifer Jo Weiss

My Wrists

You know, I think God allows things in our lives to slow us down a little bit from time to time and Monday was no exception for me.  After working out on my elliptical machine (Mon. evening), I was attempting to move it back to the side of the living room where we keep it and caught both of my wrists in the mechanism.  Immediately, I thought they were broken- especially the left one which swelled up and my fingers turned a purplish black color.  I remained calm and decided I didn't want a trip to the emergency room unless I was extremely confident that it was warranted.  My husband was working, it was dinner time, and I would have to take all 5 kids with me... not to mention the $100 fee just to see an ER doctor.  So, I sat on the couch and prayed and simply asked the Lord for healing.  Almost immediately, my right wrist felt about 80% better.  I was convinced that I would be able to use it and definitely NOT have to make an emergency trip.  My left wrist was still hurting after about a half hour (and radiated from fingertips to shoulder) so I decided to wrap it and not use it the rest of the night, which seemed to work.   I took some acetaminophen, had the kids help with dinner and asked the older ones to get the little ones ready for bed.  By morning, almost normal color had returned. I kept the wrist wrapped all day yesterday and limited my use, including the computer because my fingers on my left hand are still hurting!    Most of you are probably thankful that I have limited use of my hand, as I cannot type as much!    I have a lot on my mind to talk about, though.  Perhaps I'll get one of my kids to type for me tomorrow. Where there's a will, there's a way.  Today, it's called "chicken pecking" my way through the keyboard!

Until then, I am praying that you have a terrific day.  See you later, friend!

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