
Expectant Prayers ®

Jennifer Jo Weiss

Learning New Tricks

Hurray!  Yesterday I learned how to use my diabetic meter!  It wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be.  As with everything, when you first learn something new, it can seem a bit overwhelming...but I've learned to step back and just take things in stride.   I took my 5th reading this morning and I'm more than happy to report that all the readings were in the normal range (according to the information that I was given).  My doctor wanted at least 3 readings by Friday, so I had to get to it. 
I still have to go next week for diabetic counseling, so we'll see what they have to say about my diet, readings, etc.   Today I am encouraged that things seem to be managed. 

If you read yesterday's blog, you'll know I was annoyed by the fireworks that started at 12am... well, they went way past the midnight hour in our neighborhood.  They kept my kids up and me tossing and turning most of the night.  It rained yesterday afternoon for several hours, which we thought would deter the revelers, but it didn't.  As soon as the worst of the storm was over, they were back to their antics.
I don't really think the people setting them off (in my neighborhood) are extremely zealous about our nation... I think they just like to make noise and blow things up.  Any excuse to set off fireworks! Besides, it's supposed to be illegal, so they were actually breaking the law!    Yeah, that's a real sense of patriotism!  Ahem. 

Regardless, I hope you had a wonderful 4th!  My husband is actually off again today, so hopefully it will feel like an extended holiday for us.  He plans on working on the station wagon this afternoon  (yeah-we didn't meet our 4th of July goal of having it finished).   Maybe tomorrow I'll be able to say that it's actually up and running! 

Finally today, a word of congratulations to friend, Jenny, who recently became engaged to long time beau, Randy.  Wedding plans are being made for next year.  We can't wait!!!  I got to see her gorgeous ring on Tuesday afternoon and visit with her for a short time.  We share in their joy!   Our entire family wishes them the best as they journey toward a new life together. 

Have a great day and we'll see you tomorrow!

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