
Expectant Prayers ®

Jennifer Jo Weiss

Being Spiritual, NOT Religious?

I was watching a TV program on Sunday afternoon called "Beyond Theology".  It's all about going beyond what we've been taught in commonly accepted Biblical theology and "thinking outside the theological box."  This episode dealt with the new catch phrase that so many tend to use in this day and time:  "I'm spiritual, but not religious".   

The program expanded on what exactly this meant and there were quotes from a well known cleric from a prestigious US University.    The entire program seemed to support the "emerging church" idea... how all religions (or in this case your spiritual experience) will lead to the same God (place) and that there are many paths.   In fact, a pastor from a mainstream denomination was on there and made the quote, "There are 12 gates to the city (hallelujah) and more than one way to enter."

Say What???  That's NOT what the Bible says.  Jesus said, "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." Matthew 4:13-15 
Jesus also said HE was the only way to God....  "I am the way, the truth, and the life"  (John 14:6). 


I've been on hikes where the path is no wider than your foot and believe me... it's not easy.  You tend to feel lost in the expansive of the trees; caught up in the surroundings instead of the path.  You begin second guessing yourself and asking, 'did I get off the path or am I still on it'.  Then your mind  imagines other things that looks like a better path.  Then all of the sudden- just when you've convinced yourself that this can't be the way, you'll see a tiny mile marker sign or other evidence that "YES" you are on the right path.

I see a new mindset developing in the Christian faith and I do not like where it is leading.  It starts like you're on the narrow road, but you look around and see how broad is has become.  The road is like the small two lane highway being "improved" to a 6 lane superhighway. "Oh, this is so much better", everyone seems to say. 

IS there a faith that is THE FAITH?  Should we be saying the Bible is THE authoritative rule of faith and conduct for our lives?   Even my own denomination decided at our General Council in August 2005 to include Resolution 19, instating ecumenical fellowship.  Where it seems harmless to some and in fact keeping stride with the rest of religious movements, others feel that this is a dangerous  loophole in the fabric of our church Constitution and By-Laws- one that can be left to misinterpretation and abuse.  My own opinion is that the points of commonality do seem a bit broad!  Again, we're back to the broad road. 

Keep in mind, I have a many different Christian friends from all walks of life.  I believe there can be true Christians in just about any mainstream denomination...even Christian Jews.  After all, we are not "denominationalists", we are CHRISTIANS.   We had a Christian Jew come and teach our church about the Passover complete with a Sader for several years.  It was very good.

But, everyone looks for the loop holes.  We want to be "spiritual", yet just don't tell me how to do it. 

Speaking of loop holes, I have also noticed that many in this day and time are trying to work out what they believe... or rather... what they WANT to believe about the Bible. I think it comes from not having a solid foundation at any point in their lives and then they look at Christianity as an "all you can eat buffet" of choices.  Pick this from that religion and oh... that looks good... I'll take some of that, too.   They really don't have a solid belief system, only one that changes to suit whatever they desire at the time.  

TIP:  If you are a Christian  who is battling what to believe, might I suggest reading the BIBLE?  Start there as your ultimate source of information.  People read a lot of books to try to discover what is real and what isn't...for whatever reason.  The Bible is the only infallible source of information that you're going to come by.

Many strange teachings and controversies have crept into the minds of Christians.  Many of these even come in the form of Biblical concepts, yet they lead to division, controversy, and ultimately destruction.  We need the Holy Spirit more than ever to give us discernment into what is of Him and what isn't, as well as the wisdom and power He gives to walk in a sanctified, redeemed, justified, and righteous life.   These things will not let up until we see His return. 

Going back to the quote from the show I watched "I'm spiritual, but not religious".  What does that mean to them?  Well, it means that they are acknowledging that they are a spiritual being, but yet not confining themselves under any religious teachings or doctrines.  They try to nurture their spiritual lives by growing in knowledge about spiritual matters, meditation, even contemplative thoughts toward their own spirit or perhaps "creator of the universe" (what we might call prayer).  They feel like they are transcending toward a higher plane of existence by  embracing the "spiritual" aspects of their lives.

My question is, where does it all lead?  To them, it leads to nirvana (like heaven to the Christian).

Technically, followers of Christ do not view themselves as "religious" either, but rather in a right relationship with our Lord and Savior.  Part of being a Christian is "walking in the faith".  This is not "works" (a means of gaining our salvation) but rather it is a result; a bi-product of standing in right relationship with Him.  We don't "do" these things... they are fruit that come from His Spirit.

I think we'll see in time that the label 'Christian' is going to represent even a more broad scope of people that really don't have much to do with Christianity at all.  Christians will be appeased for a time and lumped in with all the other "religions".  Then, as we continue to "emerge", Christianity will give way to a different term like "spiritualist" which will describe those who are being enlightened.  Those who are true Christians and continue to follow the narrow path according to the teachings of the Bible are going to be labeled as radical, narrow minded, and dangerous.   Hey, it's already started.   You need look no further than some in the public headlines of today to get a good look at the future.

The gate is small and the road is narrow.  Are you carefully and strategically making your way down the narrow path today?   

"Someone asked him, "Lord, are only a few people going to be saved?"

  He said to them, "Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to. Once the owner of the house gets up and closes the door, you will stand outside knocking and pleading, 'Sir, open the door for us.'  "But he will answer, 'I don't know you or where you come from.' "Then you will say, 'We ate and drank with you, and you taught in our streets.'  "But he will reply, 'I don't know you or where you come from. Away from me, all you evildoers!"There will be weeping there, and gnashing of teeth, when you see Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, but you yourselves thrown out."  Luke 13:23-28

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