
Expectant Prayers ®

Jennifer Jo Weiss

What a Difference a Day Can Make

Our Extended Family- Trip to Indiana

Our trip to my sister's was a great time!  We had great food, fabulous fellowship, and most importantly we worked for the Lord.  There's no better vacation to have than that!  My sister and her husband are senior pastors at a church in Indiana and they (with the help of a committee) recently decided to make improvements to the sanctuary.  They had new carpet installed and the walls painted.  While we were there, we helped with some of the final touches.  I was blessed to make the floral arrangements for the sanctuary, finish up some painting, and help with odd jobs.  My husband worked hard, too.  We got a lot done in just a few days time.  What a difference a day (or a few) can make!  On Sunday, we were able to attend the first service in the "new and improved" sanctuary!

                                 Old Sanctuary                                                        New Sanctuary

You know sometimes change is not easy.  In this case of the sanctuary improvements, change seems needed and obvious.  Sometimes people think that they need to completely throw out the old in order to have something "new", but I disagree in part.  The sanctuary renovation can be a synonym for us.  In our lives, God takes what we have, cleans it up, and gives us something that is better than what we had before.   Now sometimes it is necessary to not put "new wine into old wine skins", but what that speaks to me is not to go back to the old once the new has come.

Our family took a trip up to Squaw Creek Wildlife Reserve on Tuesday.  We love to make an annual trek up to Northern Missouri to see the geese that stop at the reserve on their way "south" for the winter.  It's one of those sights that just attests to the wonder and awesomeness of God; like seeing the ocean for the first time, Niagara Falls, the Grand Canyon, or a baby being born.  There's just something spiritual about it.  God planned this world with a grand design and there's no other way to describe how things 'work"; such as birds  inherently know it's time to migrate.  It catches my breath every time.

When we arrived on Tuesday at the reserve, it was a bright and sunny day.  Almost 70 degrees.  It was windy, but the prevailing southerlies were pumping in all that warm weather.  We had the windows down and walked around.  It was a nice day!

Snow Geese, Ducks, and Canadian Geese on Squaw Creek

By the very next day (yesterday) the Temperatures dropped to freezing and all the schools are closed today due to the ice.  See what a difference? Tonight we're expecting heavy snow.  Tomorrow will be more drastic than today!

Outside the Front Door

We live in a world that can quickly change.  WHAT A DIFFERENCE A DAY CAN MAKE!  That not only goes for things like churches being remodeled or weather.  Just ask the people affected by 9/11 or the family that has just heard someone they love has terminal cancer.  Ask the mother who has just given birth... or ask the one who has just lost a child.  Ask the family provider who can't make ends meet or today has learned their job was terminated.   Ask the family whose house was destroyed by fire or natural disaster.   Ask the sinner who has just been forgiven of his/her sin.  Your world can change so rapidly... for the good or bad. 

Does this describe you today?  What are you facing?  Is it good or bad?  Change is affecting so many of us in various areas.  I am praying for you today.  I ask that you pray for me, too. 

Let's allow God to be in control of the situations of the hour.  Is there anything too hard for Him?  Is there anything that can be named that is greater than Him?  Whether change is good or seemingly bad, we must remember that God actively works to bring about the good in all things for us.  We don't have to do anything but draw close to Him and let Him be in charge.  It's not our job to fix things or to make our lives perfect.  Newsflash: None of us are perfect, but we are all continually being perfected into His image.  Our "part" is to conform to the image of Christ and His will for our lives.

Draw close to God today, friend, and let His love illuminate the darkness.

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