
Expectant Prayers ®

Jennifer Jo Weiss

Is Christ Your Lifestyle?

Running around Kansas City yesterday for 6 hours, I found myself interacting with plenty of people!  We had several errands to run; groceries, looking for new shoes, searching thrift stores for tennis rackets and size 12 black dress pants for Titus, a Wal Mart run for socks and other odds and ends... it was run, run, run. 
 I like meeting new people and sharing short conversations, though I have to admit I think I was better at it in my younger years before I had to have several eyes in the back of my head to watch 5 kids in tow!  
A lot of times, people will simply start conversations based upon walking past me and hearing me call out a name of one of my children.  Most people tend to be fascinated by their Biblical names, while others usually stop me and ask if they are all my children.  Still others ask "Are you expecting"  (No... I'm just fat right in the middle of my abdomen).   I think people are afraid that they will offend since there are those who look pregnant who aren't, but with me... kinda OBVIOUS.   Yes, I think I'll get some stuff to make some T-Shirts today... "Expecting Boy in August" and I will wear it everywhere!!!!!

What intrigued me about the day, however, is that I could feel the love of the Lord every time I talked with someone.  There was a constant consciousness of Christ's presence, which I can truthfully say I don't always feel.  I know that He is always there, but it seemed like He was directing me into divine appointments all day long.  Maybe it was the lady who was new into the area that I gave directions to?  Or the guy at Taco Bell who went out of his way to provide great service to us (letting Zeke run the cash register and  giving us 4 free bags of cinnamon twists)? Or the new checkout girl at the Thrift Store that I tried to encourage?  Or the manager at the grocery store that I stopped to talk to for about 10 minutes?   Or the countless clerks or shoppers I interacted with?

Then it hit me.   If we are in Christ (and I mean genuinely IN HIM), then He is in us.  We don't have to try to act a certain way or be a certain persona... we just ARE.  It's not a put on.  It's real.   When we radiate Christ, we literally become salt and light into the world.  Sure, we have a choice whether or not we are going to positively affect the world around us.   That doesn't mean that we have to thump people over the head with a Bible, try to assume the work of the Holy Spirit and attempt to become other's conscience or condemnation.  We all have a ministry in this world through the way we live our lives  (people are always watching you whether or not you think they are).  The simple act of being in Christ becomes a lifestyle.  People are drawn to Christ through us because He is in our hearts... it is not a work of our own. 

We all have days where our humanness is more than evident, but if you look at the big picture can you say that Christ is your lifestyle?    Do you finish you day and feel ashamed of some of your actions or dealings with others?  Do you feel the need to hide some of your behaviors?   Are you transparent?
Someone once said that those who have nothing to hide, hide nothing.  I call that transparency.  That doesn't mean that we share every intimate detail of our lives with others, but it does mean opening up and letting others see the real you...especially Christ in you.  We can't put it on, we can't imitate it without truly being in Him.  It's a byproduct of serving Him.  Sure, there are those who try to use Christ-like methods without knowing or acknowledging Him, but before long people spot a phony.

So, that is my thought of the day... effecting others spiritually not necessarily by overt ministry methods or legalistic philosophies, but simply by having Christ be our lifestyle.    Think about it!

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