
Expectant Prayers ®

Jennifer Jo Weiss

Don't Allow Your Spiritual 'Gifts' to be Exploited

OK- this topic has been brewing for some time and I felt like today was the day to share it.  For whatever reason, I feel like someone out there needs to hear this.

First of all, I would like to point out that I am using the gifts of the Holy Spirit as a general term, not necessarily referring to the 9 Spiritual Gifts as found in 1 Corinthians 12.   There are many ways the Holy Spirit can use us, by which He glorifies God and edifies the church.

Whatever ways the Holy Spirit works in you, the devil would like to use them for harm and eventually keep you from using your gifts/talents altogether.  The enemy will send people/situations your way that will test you to the max when it comes to "body ministry".  There are some valuable lessons to be learned, however, and we need to know that whenever God uses something, the enemy is quick to realize it and wants you to stop.   He'll try whatever it takes, especially what we don't suspect (like our spiritual gifts).  Most people don't think about this level of warfare in their spiritual walk, but I know God wants YOU to know if you are reading this today.

Anywhere God uses you is fair ground for the enemy!  The devil wants to use that which God works in you to your demise.  This is the first thing you must realize.    He is calculating and manipulative.  He doesn't respect your "boundaries".  He wants to take what you love and ruin it altogether.

There are many examples of this, but to make it more understandable, I will use what I know from my own experiences.  The Word says that "we testify to what we have known and seen" (John 3).

Here's my example.  I am an "encourager" and I know this to be one of the main ways the Holy Spirit works in me.  My personality supports this type of gifting (as is true for most of us in whatever way the Spirit uses us) and it flows naturally.    The way the enemy will get to you in this area is  by  sending people your way that  try to go beyond the spiritual encouragement and force their way into your life whether you want them to or not.   Suddenly you have a "new best friend" who is seeking for you to fill the void in their life that God was trying to fill.  They will seek to monopolize your time and eventually (not too unlike a leech) try to drain all the life blood from your life.  I don't think that people do this intentionally, but regardless, they are playing a role as the enemy's pawn.  It leaves you feeling leery of encouraging others in fear that you will reap unwanted outcomes.

Does that describe you?

Perhaps your gift is more on the lines of faith.  The enemy will come in like a flood and catch you unaware - shaking that faith.

Maybe it's giving.  Suddenly you'll have all kinds of things trying to sap your resources or others seeking to manipulate your giving.  This isn't just money, but time, energy, etc.

Hospitality, service, helps - all vulnerable to exploitation if you are not careful.  Many of these serving gifts are exploited through the enemies attempt to "guilt" you into letting people take advantage of you.  Your personality that God shines through is stunted.

Other times it's with the group of people you are gifted to minister to.  Teachers have this trouble a lot.  The enemy will use the students (or certain ones) to become an irritant.  For Pastor's it's the 'squeaky wheel'.   They become time and energy stealer's and eventually you don't like the very type/group of people God called you to!

Perhaps your talents are more "tangible" such as an internet ministry, pastoral minister, deacon, writing books, leading worship at church - things that are seen.  The enemy will use people to nag, voice negative comments... critics will arise out of nowhere to tear down what God has tried to build. The saddest part of all of this is that a large percentage of the time, he (the enemy) uses other Christians to do his work.    The devil doesn't want you to be used AT ALL! 

What do you need to do to assure that your Spiritual 'gifts' don't become exploited?

1.  Recognize the enemy!  Don't make the mistake of thinking that just because what you are doing is "of the Lord" that you have a impenetrable, protective force-field around it!  That would be like saying that bad things won't happen to you because you are a Christian. 
ALSO: Don't fall under the cloud of illusion that sometimes surrounds the minds of "church people" that the devil can't use them as a source of contention.  Hogwash!  What better way than to use the people you are supposed to love and walk in unity with?   Get your head out of the sand.  Not everyone who says "Lord, lord will enter the kingdom!"  This is warfare and the devil will use whatever and whomever he can to DESTROY you.    As Joel Rosenberg quotes in his novels: "Failure to recognize the enemy is to be blindsided by it!"    You must recognize the enemy and source!
The Holy Spirit will guide and give discernment in this area if you simply ask Him to.

2.  Know You Have Weapons of Warfare 
Every day must start with the armor of God  Ephesians 6:11.  That's the only way we can stand against satan's schemes.  Once you've recognized the enemy is attacking your gifts, don't take it lying down... get on your feet and fight- or at least on your knees as you fight through intercession and prayer.   This leads me into the next point....

3.  Battle in the Spirit
In realizing that we have weapons of warfare, keep in mind that they are not carnal.  In other words, try not to let what is happening effect you personally.  . "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds- Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God"  2 Corinthians 10:3-5.  The fact is that we are God's children and to get back at God, the enemy wants to hurt us.  Many times (as the Word says) God will fight for us, but He definitely wants us to realize that we do not battle against flesh and blood, but "against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."  Ephesians 6:12

4.  Guard Your Gift 
My sister once said about her internet ministry that "it was her baby and she was to protect it as such".    That made a lot of sense!!!!   We do need to realize that God has entrusted our talents, ministries, and gifts to us.  We are caretakers.  We need to protect those things which God has given to us.  Again, the Holy Spirit (who imparts gifts) is also responsible for the enduing of power!  Ask Him to give you power to overcome the enemy.    He'll even give you the words you need to speak in the hour you would need them if he calls you to confront those who oppose you.
Also, you have every right and responsibility to watch over your gifts.  Don't feel guilty about what God has called you to protect!!   Pleasing Him is more important than feeling bad that you'll hurt some one's feelings  (but the devil sure likes to use that against us, doesn't he????)

5.  Get Back Up on the Horse 
Finally, if the enemy has tried to exploit your ministry/gift/talent... get back up on the horse as soon as you can and ride like the wind.  Pausing is not the best idea because fear will grip you like a vice.  It will eat away at your mind and spirit until you become ineffective

My prayer is that you have been encouraged by this word today and that you will take it to heart.  I am continually working on this as well!    May God continue to use you to further His kingdom!  Blessings!

Happy Anniversary to my In-Laws Today!

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